     烟台泰士塑料制品有限公司系山东工商学院(原中国煤炭经济学院)引进国外先进技术并出资兴建的中外合资企业。是集新型工程塑料应用研究、生产、销售为一体的高科技企业。自 1989 年公司成立以来,依托山东工商学院的科研优势,多项科研技术成果在国内外处于领先地位并荣获“山东省高新技术企业”、“外商投资先进技术企业”称号。公司主要产品有:煤矿井下专用托辊、塑料溜槽、耐磨衬板、防腐耐磨管道、超高棒材、超高异型件、超高板材、超高管材等多种高强度耐磨塑料制品。
Yantai Taishi Plastic Products Co., Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture established and contributed by Shandong Institute of Business and Technology ( original named China Coal Economic College) by introducing advanced technology overseas. This hi-tech enterprise is mainly engaged in utilization research, production and sale of newly projects engineering plastics. Since it was established in 1989, relying on the scientific advantages of Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, many scientific research technology achievements are in the leading position at home and abroad and it is awarded the title of “Hi-tech Enterprise of Shandong Province”. The main products of this enterprise include various high strengthening and wearing plastic products such as plastic carrying roller, plastic sliding chute, wearing plate, anticorrosive wearing pipes etc.
Yantai Taishi Plastic Products Co., Ltd. aims to rely on quality, led by science, seek for the better with clients first. Advocate technology innovation, continuing to promote market-oriented hi-tech products relying on its strong technical development power and all staff working spirit.
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