     Brieflntroduction of the Enterprise
  A high-tech company and a star enterprise of Chinese patents inshandong,province,Peng-laiDachengWashingMachineryCo.,Ltd.,combining scientific research,industrial production and commercial of the National Washing Machinery Committee as well as the member of National W
ashing Machinery Technical Standard Committee and the only unit of the quality tracing and ensuring authorized by Penglai Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau.The Company under-
takes the project of NationalTorch plan and organizes and realizes the project of N-ation-
al Major New products plan and it has become the teaching and practicing base of Yantai Un
iversity.  The company is located in the famous fairy land-Penglai Development Zone,where the transportation is very convenience and the weather is quite comfortable.
Mr.Sun shoujie,the leader of specialists group of China Washing Machinery Association,National Washing Machinery Standardization Technical Committee and the specialist of China Washing Machinery Net,was invited as general manager of the company.
Depending on its outstanding technical strength,many capable technical persons,high grade engineers,advanced Technical Developing & Researching institute,CAD designing method as well as abundant experience in development,design and manufacturing,the company has drafted 4 items of National Standard of Washing Machinery,3 items of industrial Standard and designed 15 patent products.
The company mainly manufactures “Dacheng”brand automatic commercial washing machine series,ironer series,dryer series,extractor series,dry cleaning machine series,finishing and ironing equipment,dyeing machine and kneading machine with more than 70 specifications and they are well received by hotels,restaurants,hospitals,railway stations,as well as dyeing textile and leather industries,The company is managed scientifically with international standard ISO9001 Quality Control System and supervised by National Litht industry Garment Washing Machine Quality supervising and Testing Center.The company has complete service system to supply before-sales and after-sales services as well as whole range services of consultation,design,installation and maintenance services.The company also has sales and service net work in our country with 24 hours hot line telephone 0086-535-5651960.
“On using the products of Ddcheng ,on the way to your target”!
“Ddcheng”will go on supplying you with excellent products and perfect services in the future!
   公司主要生产“大成”牌系列工业洗衣机(8~300公斤),全自动洗衣机 (12~200公斤)、系列脱水机(600~1200毫米)、系列烘干机(8~150公斤)、系列熨平机(Ⅰ~Ⅲ辊)、系列干洗机(8~30公斤)及整熨设备等六大系列70多个规格。立式熨平机专利产品被国家轻工业服装洗涤机械质量监督检测中心、全国服装洗涤机械标准化技术委员会、中国轻工机械协会洗涤装备分会、中国洗涤机械咨询投诉中心联合推荐为行业名品。并在中国洗涤机械网和行业唯一权威期刊《时尚洗涤》名品推荐栏目登出图片。2005年获山东省科技进步三等奖。公司服务体系完善,为客户提供售前、售中、售后服务。承担咨询、设计、安装、维修一条龙服务,并在全国主要地区设立销售、服务网点,全年24小时开通热线电话:0535-5651960。
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