     I want to touch your the country of your mind.
The sun is shining in the blue sky while my inamorato heart looks into my eyes being a little shy.
You are my sunshine after the rain,you are my brave heart against my dread and soreness.
I'll never harm your heart,I'll never make you weep,I would die if I live without you!
On accoun of you near me,the world will be more beautiful!
You never know how I love you,please don't take my love and esteem!
When I first saw you,I begun love!When I first touch you,I feel love!
Dear,how do I live without you?I let slip you every minute and every second.
14 I love you more than I can say.Look my behavior.
13 Every word you said was why I faulted you,every thing you did was why I loved you.
12 I miss you so much,more than you can after all …
11 Happiness is caress.You cannot efflux on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
10 I have your weapon around me like air but when I open my eyes,you are gone.
09 I love you more and more each day as time fast.
08 You come postern too later every day.What about you now,do you bear in mind me waiting for you!
07 The sky has so many stars.Only your star is cosset,Where as I just love this star.
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